Daddy Baby

Round and polished, an unturning doorknob

Hairless shiny crown

(I never understood why they call them ‘Bald Eagles’)

The monarch of the household

Your dominion is domestic, parochial

Perched, a crested dictator

Oh father, thy will be done

Baby blue eyes in a baby pudding face

Bloated, despite the talons


Goo Goo Ga Ga

Goes the foetus in its swathing crib of entitlement

Ga Ga over biltong and rugby

Go bokke! Let’s braai our sorrows away

Rip into raw meat with the teeth of manhood

This is the Afrikaner way


Please, keep your feet up

High, high, high

Relax while your wife bends beneath your knees

In the crooks of your desire, the bent of your want

Genuflection in what some might call love

Hopelessly devoted, Sandy and Danny

Except Danny was a tosser.


Loop those stubby fingers –

Stretched to their furthest point –

Around my neck

Tighten the noose of this swan song

Hit and slam the hammer on the drum

The beat of self-righteousness

You’ve always done that well

Sketch sterile landscapes that hint at emotion

But never quite evoke it

Play The Who as loudly as you like –

Pete Townsend can’t hear you now


Tell me to get back into my box again

Please do. You know how I like it

I must be a caged, feral animal

You must be privy to how I crave strangulation

You must have instilled my taste for

The copper saltiness of pain and flagellation

Flog me for having ovaries

Punch me for having a mind that lacerates more than yours

Coddle me to your chest before you smother me in ashes

We aren’t Chinese but hide behind your Dutch religion

The church has always been resourceful

When digging for Biblical text

We protect our own, our lambs of slaughter


You’re a full-grown toddler struggling to stand

Stunted gait, tottering mind

An intoxicated infant?

How irresponsible

The headlines should be calling for justice!

Aren’t females the problem though?

Aren’t offspring the problem though?

Didn’t we ruin your chances

At a glorious path scattered with many prized fossils

Remnants of the ancient land


Burnt sienna Kalahari sand

That sticks to the roof of the mouth like bloody tar

That colours your clothes with bigotry

That rubs into your wounds like love never received

Never given


Festoon yourself with your squandered talents

Wear them with the fluorescent venom of blame

Don’t reflect, the mirror will shatter and sting you

You will forever be acid-etched by your failings


Take it out on me, Baby

I will talk above you in swirling circles and cut out your lying tongue

Deceit is almost as harmful as denial

Squeeze lemon juice in your eye and watch the pus leak out

This miasma is what your actions have sought


I disown your traces in my saliva

Castrate the loins from whence I sprung

They are crusted and diseased anyway

I used to sing nursery rhymes

(Ode to Daddy’s Strength)

Now I spew hate speech


Pink, fleshy memories of first-time biking

Clasped hands journeying trafficked streets

Bubblegum tales catch in my throat

Scalding reflux

I spit out

I choke out

I vomit out your hypocrisy –

Regurgitation works better than a Rennies


Your disgraceful words

Won’t bludgeon me into submission

I shall not cow in mutt-obedience

Scratch me off your to-do list –

I reject you as master


Do not burden me with the yoke of your regrets

This ox is rather a crow

Heralding your dearth of time

Your imminent black descent

You’re pious, aren’t you?


Kneel before the forsaken daughter

Your mucus-filled sighs won’t bleach this murder scene

They’ll bring you back cooing from hospital swaddled in cloth

And I’ll slash your face


I went

Goo Goo Ga Ga too


You saw my face and turned away


I recall your hum of despair at the close of the door

Welcome home, Baby Daddy.

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